On my own opinion it does not really matter what college you were into, but lets face the fact that there are companies who would prefer graduates from the popular schools Such as: Ateneo, De La Salle, UST, UP, etc. it's a BIG plus points for them if you graduate in their preferred colleges.
- Don't just randomly pick your course
- Don't just get that course because that is the most in-demand course
- Don't just get the course because all of your classmate or your friends (peer pressure) took that course.
- Read each description of every course
- Analyze and see if the course really fits you
> if you like the course
> if you like the subject matter(sometimes your favorite subject would help you in selecting a course since you enjoy doing that subject).
Is it your passion or just a hobby? That makes the different, if it's your passion you will love your course and will excel on it, if it's only a hobby you might get bored with it in the long run or you might not be interested in it anymore. Think twice before you pick your course...
What they offer