Why is there a lot of people who really loves to take picture of themselves?, When the camera is focused on them, they immediately post and smile(say cheese)?

I have friends who really loves taking picture of herself, their cellphone is full of their picture, even their computer... when my camera is with me, some of them keeps bugging me, asking to take their picture or to take picture with them... one day I ask some of them, have you ever thought in joining a contest??? they told me that we would never win, to join a contest a person should be tall and beautiful and I told them that's not the only criteria to win in a contest, there is a lot of things the judge are looking for a person to win, since you all have a beautiful hair why don't you join a contest, I heard that the Pantene has a promo Entitled "Dare to be the Most Beautiful" and I am encouraging my friend to join the contest.

I wrote this blog to encourage my friends to join, so if they are reading this right now here is how to join:
1. Registering online
REGISTER HERE2. Submit photo that contains 4 girls (you and 3 of your friends) that shows your shiny and good looking long hair.
Who can join?
- Must be a Female Philippine Resident
- age 18 - 35
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