
Friday, May 15, 2009

Fire Prevention Tips

1. Don't plug multiple gadgets/appliances into the plug (octopus connection) this may cause an overload.
2. Keep all flammable liquid and materials in a cool place and away from fire.
3. make sure to properly plug the sockets
4. Don't leave your appliances ON for a very long time/Don't leave your appliances ON when unattended
5. Don't play with Fire
6. Don't leave lit Candles unattended
7. Keep Away flammable objects from children
8. While Cooking/ironing don't leave it unattended
9. Place a Fire extinguisher near or inside the kitchen
10. Know the number of the nearest fire station
11. Remember Emergency numbers in case of fire
12. Keep Fire exits accessible
13. Install a fire alarm/smoke detector
14. Turn off your LPG when not in use
15. Check Your LPG for any leak

Fighter Base: 160-16
Fire Brigade: 522-22-22
Fire Control 7: 367-97-20; 367-57-48
Government: 117
txt Fire: 0918-6-888-888 : 0922-6-888-888

in case of fire
1. Don't panic
2. Call for help immediately
3. Know your fire exit plan
4. Don't use the elevator
5. Stay as low as possible to prevent suffocation from smoke caused by the fire
6. Don't hide in the comfort room
7. Evacuate the bldg./area immediately
8. Don't attempt to re-enter the burning bldg. in case a person is trapped inside, advice the authorities immediately
9. If trapped inside; check the door if its hot before opening it


shiela said...

united hotline-4076888

Creed said...

These are all great tips. Thanks. It is great that you touched upon the fact that you need fire extinguishers in several rooms in the house. It is also important that everyone know how to use them. Just take a minute to look over the instructions. Another tip I would like to add on to your segment about adding too many plugs into one outlet..I just installed fire prevention outlets. It makes me feel more comfortable not having to worry about having electrical fires start.